
Gene Ontology annotation based on curation of immunofluorescence data

Human Protein Atlas; 2013

GO Cellular Component terms are manually assigned by curators studying high resolution confocal microscopy images of immunohistochemically stained tissue. The methodology uses antibody-based proteomics which combines high-throughput generation of affinity-purified antibodies with protein profiling in a variety of cells and tissues. Further information on the annotation methods can be found at http://www.proteinatlas.org/about/assays+annotation

Annotations are only exported to the GO Consortium if the localizations are supported by literature, according to the following validation grading:

Supportive - Subcellular localization supported by literature.

1) One/multiple localizations supported by literature. 2) Multiple localizations partly supported (at least one) by literature. 3) One/multiple localizations in cytoplasm (i.e. Golgi, mitochondria, ER etc) with literature supporting cytoplasmic localization.

Prior to February 2013, all Human Protein Atlas annotations were referenced by PMID:18029348 (Barbe et al. 2008 Mol. Cell Proteomics. 7:499-508), a paper describing the protein localization pilot study and methodology used by the Human Protein Atlas. However, it has been decided that these annotations are more correctly described by a GO reference.

Resource URL: http://www.proteinatlas.org

Protein subcellular localization images can be viewed on the Human Protein Atlas website, e.g. http://www.proteinatlas.org/ENSG00000175899/summary#ifcelline